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Classroom Design Post-Pandemic: What We Can Expect

specfurn Unvisersity Furniture

COVID-19 has changed the education system globally. It has bought new challenges for the university- faculty and students, where the routine has been disrupted. The sudden pandemic was a red alert to all the colleges and universities to change their respective learning methods and build a collaborative environment to tackle the new challenges. 

  • As the world is getting used to the new normal, colleges and universities who spent many months teaching online, taking online semester assignment submission and examinations, are also gearing up for reopening while ensuring taking care of the necessary precautions. 
  • Several instructors and administrators are already starting to plot out what teaching will look like when their respective colleges and universities re-opens. 
  • However, the only problem that remains with opening colleges is what the classroom will look like post-pandemic? 
  • Is the only way to tackle the super spreader in colleges is to make students sit in individual desks, six feet apart in a classroom?


  • To tackle such challenges, colleges and universities will have to build new classroom design strategies. By doing so, the faculty will be able to provide a healthy, safe environment for students and educators in the building.


At Specfurn, we understand how important it is for students and teachers to blend with the new life, and also collaborate while learning. Keeping the present situation in mind, we are designing flexible furniture for schools, colleges, and universities that can support social distancing and adapt to the new normal for whatever the future holds.


Here are three critical changes to expect from a college classroom design post-pandemic.


1) All About Collaborative Learning Spaces 


  • A college education is all about collaboration between students and professors. 


  • Online learning helped both to express their opinions regarding a topic and work together. 


  • However, when colleges and universities reopen, faculty will not only have to consider the best interest of students and professors but also their safety.


  • To do so, colleges and universities should create collaborative learning spaces. 


  • Collaborative Learning Spaces (CLSs) help facilitate a collaborative active learning environment and best adhere to social distancing practices. 


  • College administrators will find collaborative learning spaces an appropriate way to tackle the spread of the virus and continue student-professor collaboration even after the pandemic. 


2) Flexible Furniture Options


  • There has been a significant demand for various education models to rearrange the college classroom furniture. 


  • Mobile and flexible furniture is gaining quite a good popularity. 


  • This is because static or bulky furniture restricts the movements and collaboration between students-professors. 


  • Casters will help students to configure, and reconfigure, the classroom furniture easily and as per their need. 


  • Additionally, it also helps with creating extra space while offering students the opportunity to move freely.


  • Moveable writing surfaces can also help create a barrier between the students who are working in a small group. Just like how the healthcare industry implemented mobile workstations overnight, such a method can also be used in college classroom furniture. 


  • Movable podiums will allow professors to access all students with the ease of carrying a laptop or any other handy tools with them. 


  • These podiums are portable, lightweight, practical, and convenient enough for professors to move around freely. 


  • Furthermore, college faculties can now debunk their usual shaped classroom furniture as many manufacturers are coming up with unique, creative, and modern furniture designs that pertain to the safety guidelines. 


You can also check out some of our most innovative classroom furniture.


3) Antimicrobial Furnitures


  • It is no brainer that the Covid19 virus spreads with a simple touch. 
  • One of the important considerations in minimising the Covid19 transmission is to eliminate the need to touch surfaces wherever possible or use antimicrobial surfaces. 
  • Antimicrobial furniture can inhibit the growth of viruses and bacterias. 


  • Apart from following social distancing norms, colleges and universities will have to switch to antimicrobial furniture to help provide students and professors with a safer seat. 



We all wish that faculties at colleges and universities discover classroom design that promotes a safer and healthier learning environment for students. However, the prediction of how classroom designs will look can be a bit difficult. This is where we can help you.


Our team of creative suppliers can provide you with quality classroom furniture that is suitable for post-pandemic college classrooms. We will help you find the best furniture solution that safeguards the students and staff at your premises. For more information, please feel free to contact our team at 07 3268 4848.